I first learned about Light a Candle and the wonderful site Gratefulness.org when I read an article by Sascha Zuger called “How to make someone’s day… for $20 or less (or even nothing)” in the October 2, 2007 issue of Woman’s Day magazine. Gratefulness.org is a nonprofit organization and international Internet community dedicated to increasing a spirit of gratitude in our daily lives.
Perhaps the most beloved part of this site is the Light a Candle feature. Begun in 2001, 4 1/2 million candles have been lit representing over 200 countries. This powerful contemplative tool begins by inviting the participant to reflect before continuing. Then you can enter a message, your name and country and you click on the wick to light the candle. It burns virtually for 48 hours. One can also create a thematic group and invite friends to light a candle in the spirit of a particular person or cause.
Today I created a candle group for a fellow spiritual brother Dharmaja in the Sri Chinmoy Centre from San Diego, California. He has been hospital bound on the East Coast since a little over a year ago. His cheerfulness in the face of his current physical limitations is a beacon of light in itself and an example for all the hearts he continues to touch.
I do hope if you have never heard of this special place on the Web that you explore its offerings. There is also a wonderful collection of articles on the subject of gratitude and its immense value in our lives. The Light a Candle graphic will take you to Dharmaja’s group. Please join me in wishing him well in this very special way.
P.S. this candle group is one of my activities to try to share kindness moments from Dec. 17th – Acts of Kindness Day – until Christmas Day.
A great noble effort.Thanks Sharani for sharing such thought provoking acts.
God bless.
Thanks to you, for spreading this nice way to boost happiness, Sharani.
I just saw your candle at Dharmaja’s group Beverly. Thanks so much for sharing your goodwill.
Surjit may you have a bountiful and blessed New Year!
Thank you for the blessings of lighting a candle for family and friends.It is very spiritual and a blessing.
I would like to say thanks.I am very inspired by this website.It is much safer than burning at home.It is a blessing to be able to pray for your family.And to always keep them in prayer.With faith and our Higher Power all things are possible.Following his will and not mind my life is much easier.And I am blessed in every way of my life
Light a Candle is truly a wonderful concept. I am so happy that you discovered it. Thanks for taking the time to share about it here. I hope it continues to inspire you continuously as 2010 unfolds.
I am saddened by this ‘Thread’. I had been looking for Dharmaja [formerly Don Ackerman] for some years now. I just came back into possession of a letter he had written in 1990 and as I had forgotten the ‘Sat Nam’ that Sri Chinmoy had given him since our last meeting in person in the 1970s at Sonoma State College where we were both students at the time I was unable to track Him down on the internet until today.
Given the context and date of these posts I assume I am a few years too late…seems that has been my lot a great deal of the time these days.
Namaste, Hare Krishna Hare Rama OM
Dave Mastry…Devananda
Dear Devananda,
Your fears are correct. Here is a link to something one of his friends wrote after his passing in August 2008.
I am sorry you had to find this out so belatedly. Please accept my condolences.