Inspired by the song from The Sound of Music, here is a stream of consciousness heartstorm of my recent favorite things.
*Geese in flight overhead quite low to the road as I drove to work this morning. They flew by and took my hushed breath with them.
*My new camera – the Nikon Coolpix L820 which I could afford in my current budget with the help of birthday money. With its 30x zoom, I took pictures yesterday of a hawk on a phone wire, the trees in colorful garb, bees on fall blooming daisies and milkweed pods spilled open.
*The town of Woodstock Vermont with its covered bridge, New England charm and maple sugar candy.
*The Peace Run, aka World Harmony Run and its beautiful way to bring people together of all ages and backgrounds – most recently experienced by me in Ottawa Canada.
*The vegetarian cafes, florist shop and gift shops inspired by Sri Chinmoy located in Ottawa. The gluten free chocolate cheesecake from Perfection Satisfaction Promise Restaurant is AMAZING! The hot chocolate at The Peace-Garden Cafe is spot on!
*Reading Sri Chinmoy’s older books, mostly from the 1970s. I read them at the Rhode Island Sri Chinmoy Centre and then come home and find them in the online library of his writings. Tonight I read in God-Journey’s Perfection-Return, questions and answers published in 1975.
*Taking videos of cats and kittens up for adoption at local animal shelter and rescue groups. Then cuddling and playing with my kitty named Pixie.
*Ahavani’s encaustic paintings. She writes the following about her upcoming solo exhibit:
“Silence Speaks presents a collection of works by Ahavani Mullen which have evolved from a place of silence. Navigating the seen and the unseen, these works explore how the earth plane and the higher, inner worlds blend with each other and complete each other. The result are relatively permanent documents, those that contain not only a record of an experience, but also the lingering fragrance of an impermanent consciousness.”
*The inspirational quotes at Write Spirit.
And of course:
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens