Traditionally Mother’s Day is a time for family to share together and includes Mother’s Day greeting cards, flowers and gifts, and a meal at Mom’s favorite restaurant. This year Mother’s Day took on a slightly different hue because of a little “cookie love” I shared in 2 different Drop In and Decorate Cookie Donation events held in honor of Mother’s Day.
First I attended a Drop In and Decorate event in Rhode Island at the home of professional food writer and blogger Lydia Walshin, the founder of Drop In and Decorate. There I got to rub shoulders with some veterans in the craft of artistic and creative cookie decorating. In honor of mothers everywhere, we decorated 325 cookies for: SSTARbirth in Cranston, a shelter for chemically dependent, pregnant or postpartum women and their children; Abby’s House in Worcester, a multi-purpose resource center for homeless women; and Our Place in Cambridge, a day-care center for homeless children and their moms.
Lydia kindly sent me home from her 3rd annual event for Mother’s Day with leftover icing and some cookies so that I could use them at a Drop In and Decorate event I organized at the library where I work in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
On Tuesday May 4th, the library enjoyed its second Drop In and Decorate event, having previously done one in December 2009 to give cookies to the local Senior Center in town. This, our second ever event, saw us expanding our community connections with 250 cookies for the event baked and donated by the New Bedford Vocational Technical High School Culinary Arts Baking students.
The actual decorating event was shared by local Boy Scouts, TCAN/Key Club students from Dartmouth High School and various community members and library patrons.
The cookies decorated at the library were given to the Women’s Center of New Bedford and Fall River. 3 shelters run by them each received a tray of cookies along with a smaller tray for the hard-working staff as well. We hope the cookies are a nice Mother’s Day touch in their lives today.
Here is a video on YouTube which shares about the event: